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Victoria Rialland


Victoria Rialland是漢鼎書院的小學課程負責人和小學科學負責人。她負責制定整個小學的探究課程。 Victoria2018年加入漢鼎,她教授小學階段的科學和探究課程。



Victoria Rialland


Victoria Rialland是汉鼎书院的小学课程负责人和小学科学负责人。她负责制定整个小学的探究课程。 Victoria2018年加入汉鼎,她教授小学阶段的科学和探究课程。



Victoria Rialland

Head of Primary Curriculum
Head of Primary Science
UOI Coordinator
Teacher of Science

Victoria Rialland is the Head of Primary Curriculum and the Head of Primary Science at Han Academy. She is responsible for the development of the Programme of Inquiry that is taught throughout the primary school. Victoria has been working at the school since 2018. She teaches science and inquiry in the primary years.

Victoria is British - Australian, born in the United Kingdom. She completed a Dual Honours BA in Modern Languages in the UK, and went on to work and study in France, Russia and Australia. During her career in private banking, Victoria graduated with a Masters of Commerce from UNSW in Sydney. A change of country and career led Victoria to obtain her Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning from Charles Darwin University in the Northern Territories.

For the past ten years Victoria has regularly completed Category 3 workshops with the International Baccalaureate Organisation, specialising in inquiry based teaching and learning. She advocates for student agency, and implements a well-considered inquiry approach in her teaching. She believes that students learn best through a holistic education that supports their social, emotional, academic and skill-based development.

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