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Selene Baldini


Selene Baldini 擁有意大利博洛尼亞大學和法國波爾多大學現代語言文學學士學位。在牛津大學完成 CELTA 課程後,她開始了自己的教學生涯,曾在英國、意大利和希臘等不同國家教授學生。


Selene 最看重的是與學生和家長建立誠實可信的關係。她認為,良好的溝通是學生學業成功和進步的關鍵。

Selene Baldini


Selene Baldini 拥有意大利博洛尼亚大学和法国波尔多大学现代语言文学学士学位。在牛津大学完成 CELTA 课程后,她开始了自己的教学生涯,曾在英国、意大利和希腊等不同国家教授学生。


Selene 最看重的是与学生和家长建立诚实可信的关系。她认为,良好的沟通是学生学业成功和进步的关键。

Selene Baldini

Teacher of English
Teacher of UOI

Selene Baldini received her degree with a BA in Modern Languages and Literature from the University of Bologna (Italy) and Bordeaux (France). After completing a CELTA course in Oxford, she started her teaching career and taught students in different countries such as the UK, Italy and Greece.

While teaching in Hong Kong, she completed her Post Graduate in Education from the University of Sunderland, with a final research project on the use of Guided Reading as a tool to improve literacy.

What Selene values the most is having an honest and trustworthy relationship with her students and parents. She believes that good communication is the key towards students’ academic success and improvements.

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