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邱博士從小就對音樂充滿熱誠,還是初中生時,已決定將音樂作為終生職業。她十七歲時考入演藝學院;她獲得獎學金,前往倫敦皇家音樂學院攻讀碩士學位。 2011 年,她完成了布里斯托爾大學的博士學位課程,該課程由 ORS 和大學研究生獎學金資助。她的作品曾在亞洲、歐洲、中東和北美的多個音樂節上演出。




邱博士从小就对音乐充满热诚,还是初中生时,已决定将音乐作为终生职业。她十七岁时考入演艺学院;她获得奖学金,前往伦敦皇家音乐学院攻读硕士学位。 2011 年,她完成了布里斯托尔大学的博士学位课程,该课程由 ORS 和大学研究生奖学金资助。她的作品曾在亚洲、欧洲、中东和北美的多个音乐节上演出。


Dr. May Kay Yau

Teacher of Music

Dr Yau’s passion for music grew ever since she was a child, leading her to pursue music as her career before she finished the secondary school education. She entered the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts at 17. Following that, she was awarded a scholarship to pursue a Master’s Degree at the Royal Academy of Music in London. In 2011, she completed her PhD study at the University of Bristol, funded by the ORS and the University Research Studentship. Her compositions have been performed at various music festivals in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North America.

Dr Yau started teaching when she was 19. She has taught students across different age groups. She enjoys exploring new things with her students because, from time to time, they discover something that she has never noticed. This kind of experience always amazes her and keeps her motivated!
Apart from music, Dr Yau also loves arts, literature, watching ballet, learning languages and hiking.

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