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Marcela Boltar


Marcela出生於阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯,在那裡她就讀於陶瓷藝術學校,並經營了一家陶藝工作坊約十年。她擁有澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學美術碩士學位和英國東倫敦大學 IPGCE 學位。此外,Marcela 還擁有西班牙語作為第二語言教學的碩士學位。

在香港十五年的教學生涯中,她從中學到大學任教,同時專門擔任 IB、IGCSE 和 Dele(西班牙語文憑)考官,同時從事藝術和西班牙語工作。Marcela之前任教過的課程包括美術繪畫、版畫、陶瓷、紡織品和數位攝影。

Marcela Boltar


Marcela出生于阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯,在那里她就读于陶瓷艺术学校,并经营了一家陶艺工作坊约十年。她拥有澳洲皇家墨尔本理工大学美术硕士学位和英国东伦敦大学 IPGCE 学位。此外,Marcela 还拥有西班牙语作为第二语言教学的硕士学位。

在香港十五年的教学生涯中,她从中学到大学任教,同时专门担任 IB、IGCSE 和 Dele(西班牙语文凭)考官,同时从事艺术和西班牙语工作。 Marcela之前任教过的课程包括美术绘画、版画、陶瓷、纺织品和数位摄影。

Marcela Boltar

Art & Third Language Teacher

Marcela was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where she attended art and ceramics schools and ran a pottery workshop for around ten years. She also holds a Master in Fine Arts from RMIT University Australia and an IPGCE from East London University, UK. Additionally, Marcela has a master's degree in teaching Spanish as a Second Language.

Over her fifteen-year teaching career in Hong Kong, she has taught from secondary to university levels while specializing as an IB, IGCSE, and Dele (Spanish Diploma) examiner, working alongside Art and the Spanish language.

Marcela's previous coursework has included fine art painting, printmaking, ceramics, textiles, and digital photography. Her experience teaching traditional Art and language give the students of Han Academy a unique experience in developing their future careers.

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