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黃敏靜老師自 2021 年起在漢鼎書院工作。她目前教授第一語言英語和英語作為第二語言課程。她從事英語教學超過 16 年,曾在英國、法國和香港等地任教。


工作之餘,她還參加了各種志願者活動,包括倫敦卡姆登社區聯絡員協會(Camden Community Connectors)、領導力培訓協會、香港唐氏綜合症協會和扶輪社。黃老師會講英語、法語和粵語。



黄敏静老师自 2021 年起在汉鼎书院工作。她目前教授第一语言英语和英语作为第二语言课程。她从事英语教学超过 16 年,曾在英国、法国和香港等地任教。


工作之余,她还参加了各种志愿者活动,包括伦敦卡姆登社区联络员协会(Camden Community Connectors)、领导力培训协会、香港唐氏综合症协会和扶轮社。黄老师会讲英语、法语和粤语。

Karen Wong

Teacher of English

Karen Wong has worked at Han Academy since 2021. She currently teaches First Language English and English as a Second Language courses. She has been teaching English for over 16 years and has had experience teaching in England, France as well as Hong Kong.

As well as having been awarded a Master of Arts with Merit from University College London Institute of Education, which is named World Number One for Education, she holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Education from The University of Hong Kong and a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics with Honours from Queen Mary University of London, which was ranked first in the UK for Linguistics at the time.

Outside of work, she has engaged in various volunteer activities, including for Camden Community Connectors (London), Leadership Training Association, The Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association and Rotary. Karen Wong speaks English, French and Cantonese.

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