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徐敏麗老師於2017年就職於漢鼎書院。她從小立志當一名老師,她遠赴北京師範大學完成中文系漢語言文學學士課程,回港成為香港註冊教師。 “學為人師、行為世範”是帶領她一步步走近目標的重要動力。








Janti Tsui

Teacher of Primary Chinese, UOI and Music
PE and Arts Coordinator

Miss Janti Tsui started working at Handing Academy in 2017. Determined to be a teacher since childhood, she went to Beijing Normal University to complete the bachelor's degree in Chinese Language and Literature, and returned to Hong Kong to become a registered teacher in Hong Kong. "Learn, so as to instruct others. Act, to serve as example to all" is leading her step by step toward the goal of important motivation.

Ms Tsui worked as an intern Chinese teacher in a secondary school in Shenzhen. After graduation, she worked in an international school in Hong Kong. She think education is not simply to teach knowledge to students, but more important is to "know" to understand the characteristics of each student and observe their daily learning psychological changes. Only by approaching students can we truly teach students according to their aptitude and stimulate their different potentials.

As the saying goes, "To give students a glass of water, the teacher must have a bucket of water." This is especially true of language teachers. Chinese culture is extensive and profound, with a long history and numerous poems. Miss Tsui believes that to pass on these treasures to the next generation, teachers need to keep up with The Times. Students must be down-to-earth, step by step from the basic learning, lay a good foundation. In the process of teaching practice, not only students are learning, but also teachers should think and adjust in the interaction with students. Therefore, she has been looking for teaching methods that are more suitable for students by combining different teaching contents in practice.

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