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Erin Alberts


我的父母告訴我,打從小時候起,我整天就是在閱讀,他們必須讀出我指出的每一個字。 Donalyn Miller 曾說過:「閱讀改變生活。閱讀開啟了未知或被遺忘的世界,帶領旅行者環遊世界並穿越時空。閱讀還可以幫助你擺脫學校的束縛,追求自己的教育。」現在,作為一名教師,我不僅教授學生閱讀,還帶領他們掌握一門語言。


我擁有學士學位和 PGCE,我曾在南非、阿聯酋和香港教授 2-13 歲的學生英文。

Erin Alberts


我的父母告诉我,打从小时候起,我整天就是在阅读,他们必须读出我指出的每一个字。 Donalyn Miller 曾说过:“阅读改变生活。阅读开启了未知或被遗忘的世界,带领旅行者环游世界并穿越时空。阅读还可以帮助你摆脱学校的束缚,追求自己的教育。”现在,作为一名教师,我不仅教授学生阅读,还带领他们掌握一门语言。


我拥有学士学位和PGCE,我曾在南非、阿联酋和香港教授2-13 岁的学生英文。

Erin Alberts

Teacher of English
Teacher of UOI

I am told by my parents that as a little girl all I wanted to do was read and that they had to read every word that I pointed at. Donalyn Miller said: “Reading changes your life. Reading unlocks worlds unknown or forgotten, taking travelers around the world and through time. Reading helps you escape the confines of school and pursue your own education.” And now as a teacher I enjoy the privilege of teaching not only reading, but all the elements of language.

I believe that having a relationship with my students is very important. I endeavour to nurture and encourage relationships in order to create an environment of inclusivity and trust.

I hold a Bachelors degree and a PGCE and I have taught English to students in South Africa, the UAE and in Hong Kong ranging from ages 2-13 years.

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