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吳建芳,現任香港四川社團總會秘書長兼總幹事、香港義工聯盟副秘書長,曾任廣州大學中文系講師、香港文匯報副總經理、文匯報國際公關顧問有限公司董事總經理、中國文化院董事總經理 (聯合國經濟及社會理事會「特別諮商地位」)、《源傳媒》總編輯、《國學新視野》雜誌總經理、香港各界扶貧促進會總幹事、香港各界文化促進會總幹事。


2012年吳建芳策劃主編首部智庫學術專著《香港與內地經貿合作十五年報告》藍皮書, 2014年策劃主編首部24萬字《粵港澳合作報告》等。她還為多個大學的客座教授,主講《香港新聞概況與特色》、《中華文化與世界文明》、《大型活動策劃與組織管理》、《香港核心價值觀與內地文化比較》、《禮儀與公務、商務接待》等。


吴建芳,现任香港四川社团总会秘书长兼总干事、香港义工联盟副秘书长,曾任广州大学中文系讲师、香港文汇报副总经理、文汇报国际公关顾问有限公司董事总经理、中国文化院董事总经理 (联合国经济及社会理事会「特别咨商地位」)、《源传媒》总编辑、《国学新视野》杂志总经理、香港各界扶贫促进会总干事、香港各界文化促进会总干事。


2012年吴建芳策划主编首部智库学术专著《香港与内地经贸合作十五年报告》蓝皮书, 2014年策划主编首部24万字《粤港澳合作报告》等。她还为多个大学的客座教授,主讲《香港新闻概况与特色》、《中华文化与世界文明》、《大型活动策划与组织管理》、《香港核心价值观与内地文化比较》、《礼仪与公务、商务接待》等。

Wu Jianfang

Wu Jianfang, works as Secretary-General and Executive Director of Federation of HK Sichuan Community Organisations, and Deputy Secretary-General of Hong Kong Volunteers Federation, who once worked as lecturer at Chinese Language and Literature at Guangzhou University, Deputy General Manager of Hong Kong Wen Wei Po Daily, Managing Director of Hong Kong Wen Wei Po Daily International Public Relations Consultant Co. Ltd, Managing Director of China Academy of Culture Limited (Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council)Editor-in-Chief of Maxsource Media (New media), Managing Director of Monthly, Executive Director of Hong Kong Poverty Alleviation Association and Executive Director of Hong Kong Culture Association.

Her achievements include organizing hundreds of influential culture salons, forums, large-scale events of economic, trade, cultural and academic exchanges between Hong Kong and Mainland China, advancing the engagements of  Hong Kong students and citizens in Chinese traditional culture. Projects including primary school speech competition, middle school Chinese writing competition, Belt and Road themed Video Shooting Competition for youngsters, Chinese Sinology Forum, Hong Kong Book Fair authors' seminars, Belt and Road International Forum, etc.

Track records in publishing industry covers the planning, publishing and writing, and acts as Editor-in-Chief of many publications including Interviews with Distinguished Scholars and Prominent Sinologists, the first Bluebook of Cooperation between Hong Kong and Mainland China—Report on Economic & Trade Cooperation Between Hong Kong and Mainland China, the first 240,000 words think tank publication Report on Cooperation and Development of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau.

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