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Travis Yuen


袁善衡老師出生於美國佛羅里達州,在舉家遷往新加坡之前,他一直生活在美國。在此期間,他完成了普通中等教育證書 "O "級考試,並被紐約州立大學布法羅分校錄取,隨後在那裡完成了傳播學學士學位。



Travis Yuen


袁善衡老师出生于美国佛罗里达州,在举家迁往新加坡之前,他一直生活在美国。在此期间,他完成了普通中等教育证书 "O "级考试,并被纽约州立大学布法罗分校录取,随后在那里完成了传播学学士学位。



Travis Yuen

Assistant Teacher of English

Travis Yuen was born in Florida, USA and lived in the country until his family moved to Singapore, where he lived for fifteen years. During that time, he completed his GCSE 'O' Levels, and was admitted to the State University of New York at Buffalo, where he later moved to complete his Bachelor of Arts in Communication.

Having had such an illustrious life in multiple cities and with many kinds of people, school became a defining aspect of him. Which was why after he moved to Hong Kong to be with his family, he became a private tutor in English for anyone who had the need to write and converse in the language, whether they were kindergarten children that were introduced to phonetics for the first time, or adults who want to polish their language skills for their careers.

His years of tutoring experience has opened his eyes to people of various backgrounds and learning capabilities, and the desire to help them stretch beyond their limits is what he finds so fulfilling in this field and he hopes to learn greater things and bring more to the table at Han Academy.

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