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錢明教授有豐富的科研經驗及教育經驗。科研方面,他曾領導十餘人的科研團隊完成了多個科研項目,在國際期刊上發表了數十篇科研論文,成功申請數十項發明專利;教育方面,他曾歷任助理教授(碩士生導師)、正教授(博士生導師),2017年漢鼎創校伊始,錢教授傾力加盟,任教IB DP及劍橋科學課程,歷任科學部主任及國際課程中心主任。




钱明教授毕业于南京理工大学(博士2008)、香港教育大学(教育文凭2020),曾任职中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院(2008-2017)、美国南加州大学国立卫生研究院(2013-2014 )。

钱明教授有丰富的科研经验及教育经验。科研方面,他曾领导十余人的科研团队完成了多个科研项目,在国际期刊上发表了数十篇科研论文,成功申请数十项发明专利;教育方面,他曾历任助理教授(硕士生导师)、正教授(博士生导师),2017年汉鼎创校伊始,钱教授倾力加盟,任教IB DP及剑桥科学课程,历任科学部主任及国际课程中心主任。


Professor Michael Qian

Head of International Curriculum Centre
Director of STEM Faculty
Cambridge Coordinator

Professor Qian Ming graduated from Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Ph.D, 2008) and Education University of Hong Kong (PGDE 2020), and worked in Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2008-2017), and National Institutes of Health, University of Southern California (2013-1024).

Professor Qian Ming has rich scientific research experience and educational experience. In terms of scientific research, he has led a scientific research team of more than ten people to complete a number of scientific research projects, published dozens of scientific research papers in international journals, and successfully applied for dozens of invention patents; in terms of education, he has served as an assistant professor (master student Tutor), full professor (doctoral supervisor), at the beginning of the founding of Handing School in 2017, Professor Qian joined in to teach IB DP and Cambridge Science courses, and served as the director of the Science Department and the director of the International Course Center.

Professor Qian Ming carefully designed the international curriculum system in Han Academy, organically integrating interdisciplinary education concepts, situational education models and "innovative" spirits. Create an inquiry-based learning atmosphere to enable students to deeply understand scientific concepts and maintain their interest and curiosity in learning. Carry out project-based teaching, allowing students to independently research and develop learning and apply multi-disciplinary knowledge to solve real-life problems through teamwork.

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